What is ACE 2024?
Assa'adah Campus Expo (ACE) is an annual event held by IKBAL (Ikatan Keluarga Besar Alumni) Qomaruddin Islamic Boarding School. This event is held to gather all alumni, students, and teachers of the school, for sharing knowledge, experiences, and information about information about college life.
Why is there a website for ACE 2024? is it necessary? Yes, it is necessary. The website is the place where all information about the event can be accessed easily. The website will contain information about the schedule of events, speakers, workshops, and exhibitions. The website will also contain information about all campuses that have a relationship with IKBAL Qomaruddin, so that after the event is over students can still get information quickly and easily. The website will be a place where all participants can get the latest information about the event.
Our MVP Features
- Landing Page
- Event Information
- Campus Information
- Next.js
- Tailwind CSS
- DaisyUI